Class 4 Softswitch For VoIP Service Provider – Customization is the Key

Updated on: 27 Jun, 2023
Class 4 Softswitch For VoIP Service Provider

With 4G here and 5G on the horizon, it is but natural the VoIP solution provider and wholesale carriers should see a spurt in their business volumes. Their success is dictated by the choice of software and hardware integration, especially soft switches that handle important functions.

Bulk carriers normally opt for class 4 Softswitch since it specifically handles VoIP traffic across international borders and between service providers. This VoIP Softswitch also incorporates additional features like billing, call routing, IP-to-IP connection, and carrier management along with reporting and analytics. Bulk VoIP carriers have the choice of opting for a standard Softswitch solution or a customized one. The latter is preferable for several reasons.

A standard Class 4 Softswitch implementation may not be complete in itself and could present bottlenecks in cross-border operations. It all depends on how the developer has implemented the Softswitch solution using proprietary or more affordable and flexible open-source technologies. Performance and call quality are but two of the parameters that affect the brand image and reputation of the carrier and it boils down to the implementation. Experienced and expert developers know of the various factors that could affect VoIP operations and tailor class 4 Softswitch to incorporate other technologies such as session border control, OpenSIPS, and Kamailio, for instance, work to seamlessly integrate traffic and calls across different conflicting protocols. Open source and customization of these technologies result in a far superior, fluid, scalable, and flexible solution for VoIP carriers.


It is not just these technologies and their integration that are important for VoIP carriers. Their branding is also important and for this, customization includes white-label services. Carriers can present the solution with their brand logo and theme that will enhance their image with their clients.

Different carriers in various countries must bill their clients and include tax too and they may have their own system of invoicing. Customization means that billing features can be tailored to suit a carrier’s business model and be designed to include a language of choice. This, along with custom reports and analytics helps in the financial side of their operations.

Carriers may assume that such customization is expensive and time-consuming. However, it is not so when they choose Ecosmob because the company has strategized its VoIP Softswitch development operations to make use of reusable codes and have a solution in place in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible cost, certainly much lower-priced than a proprietary standard solution. Ecosmob offers more customizable features, better support, and superb implementation of VoIP class 4 softswitches for bulk carriers.
